I'm trying to find as many Native American last names as I can. Comanche Indians are the ones I am more interested in.
Any websites, names, anything would help.
Does anyone know any Native American Indian last names?
Mine is Purser. I am Suquamish. Other common last names here are George, Sigo, Jones, Alexander, Soloman, Williams, Jackson, Naploeon, Weber, Webster, Wilber, Gemmell, Pratt, Taken-Alive(ayyye!) that one was a name change from Rogers, and hmm...oh! Cordero, Medina, Boure, Pondelik, Mabe, Hill, you get the point? Sir names are not part of our culture.The only reason we have them is because the U.S. government assigned them. My great grandpa literally drew his english names out of a hat.
Ok, I was nice, but i have a feeling your the one who gave me a thumbs down, so I am not going to be diplomatic. First of all, why the hell would there be a registry of "Native american last names"? I mean, is there one for African Americans, White folks, or Asains? NO. Why the h*ll do european americans always degrade us to something less than human? Like a mascot or a mythical being? Seriously, its time for you to get a reality check. If your looking for stupid names like Running bear and sh*t, try HOLLYWOOD. Because appearantly, you don't want the reality, you want the fantasy. I am sorry we REAL natives don't fit the description of your fantasy ones. And just to give you a heads up, I know for a fact the Comanche or any other tribe could give less than a rats AS$ about how much you want to be one of them. If you really like natives so much, hand over your property to the nearest tribe, and get on a plane to go back to your own country. THats the only thing that will make most of us happy...
Reply:Each reservation has surnames common to their tribe-for instance when the Tuscaroras went north from n.carolina to n.y. there were Rickard, Chew, Green, Mt. Pleasant, Printup, Jack, Jacobs, and others I cant think of this late at night. These are common all through the six nations in u.s. and canada. The natives already in ny are also-Beaver, Isaacs, Seneca, Williams, Anderson, Patterson, Clause, Abrams. And more. On the Seneca Blue eyes is a common name with the rest and there is Dean. Some of the names I know from western are: Mommadaty, Leading fox, Spotted Elk, Harjoe. I know this because I lived on Tuscarora and folks from reserves all over-even up into quebec. There are many more that slips my mind because I should be sleeping. The others are right about Indians did not have surnames and chose from white people.
Reply:What are you going on about? The native Americans did not use surnames, or last names, as you put it. Such a "convention" is typically British etc. The Vikings had no last names either. In fact, the custom was not used throughout Scandinavia until the 18th-19th century -- except by the blue-bloods, of course.
Reply:Out here in Calif many of our surnames are Spanish, due to the early mission culture. I do know a family with surname Shoshone. That is not their tribe. I had a Cree friend from Canada, and his surname was starblanket. Most of us have plain old regular surnames tho. You wouldn't be able to pick us out of a phone book by our surnames.
Reply:You can go to
set the census to 1880 US, pick a state that had Comanches in it, use first names John, William, Mary; Elizabeth, etc. leave surname blank, and set the "race" to native American.
Reply:If you have access to "Passenger Lists" check out: 1903--Manifest-- ship "Etruria"--p.23. Probably Sioux (dest. Pine Ridge).
Good 'ol names like "Two Elk" and "Running Bear".
By Jove, I believe that's Buffalo Bill's Indian Cast !
Not exactly last names, but interesting
Reply:Notable Comanche:
George Tahdooahnippah--professional boxer/NABC super middleweight champion
Reply:You didn't say what they were for, so you might try this link: http://www.native-languages.org/names.ht...
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