Sunday, August 22, 2010

What's the name of that Native American song they play at the end of the 1995 Disney movie, Man Of The House?

It's a good song. Soft sounding music with an old sounding Indian chanting words...sounds like...

Oh Wa Yaaaah

Oh Wa Yah Yah

Oh Wa Ya Oh Wee Ya

(than pitch gets higher)

Ya Eee Ya

Oh Wa

Ye Eee Ya

Oh Wa

It's been driving me crazy...who's sings that and what's it called? There's no english anywhere in the song to even guess...THANKS SO MUCH!!!

What's the name of that Native American song they play at the end of the 1995 Disney movie, Man Of The House?
Probably "Return To Innocence"

Technically the chant is aboriginal Taiwanese, not U.S. Native.

Edit: Looked up the movie, that's it. They must have only used a portion without English.

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