Sunday, August 22, 2010

Historic Person, name I can't recall, Native American?

A native american visiting Washington DC in the 1800s was kidnapped and held hostage but no ransom paid, and he was killed. I believe he is buried in the congressional cemetery. I think "crow" was part of his name. I get too many hits trying to look up items about hostages these days, can someone help?

Historic Person, name I can't recall, Native American?
Not quite as famous as the other answers But

Scarlet Crow A Lakota
Reply:Sitting Bull and Crazy were both killed by military/police on the reservations. Red Cloud died of natural causes. Chief Joseph went to Washington, DC but returned to the northwest and died there.
Reply:Scarlet Crow 1867 I dont remember who did it but thats who you are thinking of I think he was Lakota
Reply:Try Sitting Bull, Crazy Horse, American Horse and Black Hawk, all Indian chiefs who were killed in 1800s... Hope that helps!

it's not just what you scream before jumping from a plane

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