Sunday, August 22, 2010

What is the BEST NAME for my Native American baby GIRL???


Aaiwaryana (ah-ee-war-ee-ana)

Viviarah (vee-vee-ara)

Caiamalah (ca-ee-ama-luh)

Amacashi (aa-muh-cah-shee)

Lakarahua (la-ka-rah-hoo-ah)

Dimajjurri (dee-muh-joo-ree)

NOTE: these are all pronounced with an accent%26lt;%26lt;

and dont tell me that im torturing my kid with hard names.. they are traditional native names

What is the BEST NAME for my Native American baby GIRL???
TATANKAHO!!! Isn't that like buffalo or something close to it?
Reply:I like Viviarah and Amacashi. I'm curious as to the meaning or the names. Amacashi sounds beautiful and rolls off the tongue.
Reply:In order of preference:

1. Viviarah.

2. Amacashi

3. Lakarahua

4. Dimajjurri

5. Caiamalah

6. Aairwaryana
Reply:I commend you on sticking to your tradition/roots. I am multi-racial and I wish I had been given a name that reflects my ethnicity. My name is Jean.

I like Amacashi and Viviarah.
Reply:I agree with viviarah being the best little girls name while obviously withholding the strong traditional native sound
Reply:I like Amacashi
Reply:I really like Amacashi
Reply:I like Viviarah best, followed by Caiamalah. It would help if I knew what the names meant.
Reply:i really like Lakarahua it sounds really pretty and cute
Reply:Amacashi, I like how you say its pronounced
Reply:I think I like Viviarah best, it sounds more like a little girls name.


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