Sunday, August 22, 2010

What is a proper name for a posibbly Latino (for sure) Native American White male?

I might be Latino

What is a proper name for a posibbly Latino (for sure) Native American White male?
A person can be White Latino, Native American Latino, Black Latino or Mixed Latino (Mestizo/Mulatto) but you can't be all four. Also, Latino refers specifically to someone that lives in Latin America or is of Latin American descent living in the U.S.(regardless of race). Spanish speaking people that are born in the U.S. are usually referred to as Hispanic (also regardless of race).
Reply:Latino Native American White male...I don't think that makes sense...unless you're mixed.

If Latino and Hispanic are interchangeable, all that means is that you come from a New World former colony of Spain. No race involved.

If by Native American you mean American Indian (e.g. Sioux, Mohegan, etc), then that is the race of people that originally lived here and they look like what people characterize as "Mexican," "Peruvian," or Guatamalan, because most of these people are descendants of the original American people (from North to South).

And if by White you mean descendant of Europeans, then you can call yourself Caucasian or something.

So Latino, Native American, White Male...I'd just say I'm a mix.
Reply:Uh... Mestizo perhaps?
Reply:|Stop being ashmed to call yourself MEX-I-CAN

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