Monday, July 19, 2010

Native american name help!?

i have to make a native american name for myself

e.i. girl who runs with wolves

i am interested in ecology (the environment)

any ideas?

Native american name help!?
Dances With Flowers

Swims in Crystal Lakes

Fights Global Warming (lol)

Reply:i don't know what tribe you are from,in my tribe wamponoag indians you can not just make up your name that is not how it works you have to make sure your family is registered through the native american council you get an native american id card to prove that you are a full native american, your name given to you by the medicine man its the tradition and it is only done once a year on an indian burial site, at 5am in the morning. so if your not native american don't waste your time,if you can not proove your history of native american, it wont be recognized.
Reply:Makawee Maka --Native American Sioux Name meaning Mother Earth....I think its nice,,,, jugee

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